DPD Romania

DPD Romania REST API examples

All examples are based on the PHP cURL options, JSON structured data and standard html POST method.

First we define some variables and functions used in examples below.
#-> GLobal variables
define('DPDRO_API_USERNAME', 'xxxxxx');
define('DPDRO_API_PASSWORD', 'yyyyyy');
define('DPDRO_API_BASE_URL', 'https://api.dpd.ro/v1/');
define('LANGUAGE', 'EN');

#-> Function for api requests via cURL functions. In the examples we are using POST requests.
function apiRequest($apiURL, $jsonData)
   #-> Encode the array into JSON.
   $jsonDataEncoded = json_encode($jsonData);

   #-> Initiate cURL
   $curl = curl_init($apiURL);

   #-> Set curl options
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // Tell cURL that we want to send a POST request.
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Verify the peer's SSL certificate.
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Stop showing results on the screen.
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); // The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json')); // Set the content type to application/json
   curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonDataEncoded); // Attach our encoded JSON string to the POST fields.
   #-> Get the response
   $jsonResponse = curl_exec($curl);
   if ( $jsonResponse === FALSE) 
      { exit("cURL Error: ".curl_error($curl)); } 
Create Shipment Request example view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
$senderArray = array(
   'phone1' => array('number' => '0999123456'),
   'contactName' => 'ION POPESCU',
   'email' => '[email protected]',
   /* 'clientId' => 1234567890 */ // Not required
* If you have a warehouse in Bucharest, a shop in Brasov and an office in Braila, you'll have three objects with different clientIds, one for each object.
* When you want to send from one of these addresses of your objects, you can set the appropriate 'clientId'. 
* If you skip it, the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information. 
* All your 'clientId's can be obtained from the result of the Get Contract Clients Request.

#-> For drop off shipment (The 'dropoffOfficeId' property overrides the address details)
//$senderArray['dropoffOfficeId'] = 926; // BUCHAREST - MOGOSOAIA (DPD OFFICE). The 'dropoffOfficeId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Office Request.

$recipientArray = array(
   'phone1' => array('number' => '0999654321'),	
   'privatePerson' => true,
   'clientName' => 'ALEX MARIN',
   'email' => '[email protected]'

#-> If the shipment is to an address. There are several options to define an address. Check the examples bellow.
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST. The 'siteId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Site Request.
   'streetId' => 642077434, // A street named 'ALECU MATEEVICI'. The 'streetId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Street Request.
   'streetNo' => '1',
   'blockNo' => '101',
   'entranceNo' => '2',
   'floorNo' => '3',
   'apartmentNo' => '4'
$recipientArray['address'] = $recipientAddressArray;

#-> For self collection shipment from office (use it instead of $recipientArray['address'])
//$recipientArray['pickupOfficeId'] = 20008; // BUCHAREST - BAICULUI (OFFICE), The 'pickupOfficeId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Office Request.

$serviceArray = array(
   'pickupDate' => date('Y-m-d'), // Not mandatory (default value is today)
   'autoAdjustPickupDate' => true, // Not mandatory
   'serviceId' => 2505, // The 'serviceId' can be obtained from the result of a Destination Services Request.
   'saturdayDelivery' => true // Not mandatory. Use it if you want delivery on Saturday/Holiday.

/* Cash on delivery - Not mandatory */
$cashOnDeliveryArray = array(
   'amount' => 100,
   'processingType' => 'CASH' // (CASH, POSTAL_MONEY_TRANSFER)

/* Options before payment - Not mandatory */
$optionsBeforePaymentArray = array(
   'option' => 'OPEN', 
   'returnShipmentServiceId' => 2505,
   'returnShipmentPayer' => 'SENDER' // (SENDER, RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY). The sender of the returning shipment is the recipient of the primary shipment.
* 'returnShipmentServiceId' is the service for the returning shipment in case the recipient refuses to accept the primary shipment. 
* It can be the same serviceId as in the primary shipment or one obtained from the result of a Destination Services Request.

/* Declared value - Not mandatory */
$declaredValueArray = array(
   'amount' => 100, 
   'fragile' => true 

/* Additional services */
$additionalServicesArray = array(
   'cod' => $cashOnDeliveryArray,
   'obpd' => $optionsBeforePaymentArray,
   'declaredValue' => $declaredValueArray

/* Add additional services to the main service array */
$serviceArray['additionalServices'] = $additionalServicesArray;

$contentArray = array(
   'parcelsCount' => 1,
   'contents' => 'MOBILE PHONE',
   'package' => 'BOX',
   'totalWeight' => 0.6

$paymentArray = array(
   'courierServicePayer' => 'RECIPIENT', // (SENDER, RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY)
   'declaredValuePayer' => 'RECIPIENT' // Mandatory only if the shipment has a 'declaredValue'.

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'sender' => $senderArray, // You can skip the sender data. In this case the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information.
   'recipient' => $recipientArray,
   'service' => $serviceArray,
   'content' => $contentArray,
   'payment' => $paymentArray,
   'ref1' => 'ORDER 123456'

#-> Create Shipment Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'shipment/', $jsonData);		
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
A shipment to an address:
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "service" : {
    "serviceId" : 2505,
    "additionalServices" : {
      "cod" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "processingType" : "CASH"
      "declaredValue" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "fragile" : true,
        "ignoreIfNotApplicable" : true
      "obpd" : {
        "option" : "OPEN",
        "returnShipmentServiceId" : 2505,
        "returnShipmentPayer" : "SENDER"
    "saturdayDelivery" : true,
    "autoAdjustPickupDate" : true
  "content" : {
    "parcelsCount" : 1,
    "totalWeight" : 0.6,
    "contents" : "MOBILE PHONE",
    "package" : "BOX"
  "payment" : {
    "courierServicePayer" : "RECIPIENT",
    "declaredValuePayer" : "RECIPIENT"
  "sender" : {
    "phone1" : {
      "number" : "0999123456"
    "contactName" : "ION POPESCU",
    "email" : "[email protected]"
  "recipient" : {
    "phone1" : {
      "number" : "0999654321"
    "clientName" : "ALEX MARIN",
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "address" : {
      "countryId" : 642,
      "siteId" : 642279132,
      "streetId" : 642077434,
      "streetNo" : "1",
      "blockNo" : "101",
      "entranceNo" : "2",
      "floorNo" : "3",
      "apartmentNo" : "4"
  "ref1" : "ORDER 123456"

A shipment to an ofice:
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "service" : {
    "serviceId" : 2505,
    "additionalServices" : {
      "cod" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "processingType" : "CASH"
      "declaredValue" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "fragile" : true,
        "ignoreIfNotApplicable" : true
      "obpd" : {
        "option" : "OPEN",
        "returnShipmentServiceId" : 2505,
        "returnShipmentPayer" : "SENDER"
    "saturdayDelivery" : true,
    "autoAdjustPickupDate" : true
  "content" : {
    "parcelsCount" : 1,
    "totalWeight" : 0.6,
    "contents" : "MOBILE PHONE",
    "package" : "BOX"
  "payment" : {
    "courierServicePayer" : "RECIPIENT",
    "declaredValuePayer" : "RECIPIENT"
  "sender" : {
    "phone1" : {
      "number" : "0999123456"
    "contactName" : "ION POPESCU",
    "email" : "[email protected]"
  "recipient" : {
    "phone1" : {
      "number" : "0999654321"
    "clientName" : "ALEX MARIN",
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "pickupOfficeId" : 20008
  "ref1" : "ORDER 123456"
Print Request example. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
$parcelsArray = array(
   array('parcel' => array('id' => '299999990')),

#-> The JSON data.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'paperSize' => 'A4', // A4, A6, A4_4xA6
   'parcels' => $parcelsArray

$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'print/', $jsonData);
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
echo $jsonResponse;
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "paperSize" : "A4",
  "parcels" : [ {
    "parcelId" : {
      "id" : "299999990"
  } ],
  "additionalWaybillSenderCopy" : "NONE"
Get Contract Clients Request example. Retrieve all clientIds, of the own contract, and other details like names, addresses etc. Use the clientIds in your requests. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE

#-> Get Contract Clients Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'client/contract/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN"
Find Country Request examples.
Get 'id' and other details for countries. The search can be by name, part of the name or country ISO code. The 'id' is the unique identifier of the country and is used to define an address. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Search by full country name.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'name' => 'ROMANIA'
* The result from the example will return all data for ROMANIA such as id, isoAlpha2, isoAlpha3, currencyCode, postCodeFormats, requireState etc.
* If the result for a country has a property named 'currencyCode' and selected service allows it, you can use Cash On Delivery in your parcels for this country. 

#-> Find Country Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/country/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "name" : "ROMANIA"
#-> Example 2. Search by part of the country name.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'name' => 'GER' // The 'name' is partial
/* The result from the example will return all countries which contain 'GER' in their names: GERMANY, ALGERIA, NIGER, NIGERIA. */

#-> Find Country Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/country/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "name" : "GER"
#-> Example 3. Search by country isoAlpha2.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'isoAlpha2' => 'GR'
/* The result from the example will return all data for GREECE. The 'isoAlpha2' and 'isoAlpha3' are unique. */

#-> Find Country Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/country/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "isoAlpha2" : "GR"
Find Office Request examples.
Get 'id' and other details for offices. The search can be by name, part of name, site etc. The 'id' is the unique identifier of the office and is used in create shipment or calculation requests. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Find offices in a country.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA
/* The result from the example will return all offices in ROMANIA. 
*  To find offices in BULGARIA use 100 instead of 642 for countryId. For GREECE use 300. 

#-> Find Office Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/office/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "countryId" : 642
#-> Example 2. Find offices in a site.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST
/* The result from the example will return all offices in BUCHAREST. */

#-> Find Office Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/office/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "siteId" : 642279132
#-> Example 3. Find office by country and part of the name. The 'countryId' is not mandatory.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA
   'name' => 'BAS' // The name can be partial
/* The result from the example will return all offices in ROMANIA which names contain 'BAS'. */

#-> Find Office Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/office/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "countryId" : 642,
  "name" : "BAS" 
#-> Example 4. Find office in a site by part of the name. The 'siteId' is not mandatory.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST
   'name' => 'BAS' // The name can be partial
/* The result from the example will return all offices in BUCHAREST which names contain 'BAS'. */

#-> Find Office Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/office/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "name" : "BAS" 
Find Site Request examples.
Get site details such as id, type, name etc. Use these details to define an address. The 'id' is the unique identifier of the site. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Search by part of the site name.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA
   'name' => 'BRAS'
/* The result from the example will return data (such as id, type, post code) for all sites in ROMANIA,
* witch contain 'BRAS' in their names: 'BRASOV', 'BRASAUTI', 'BRASCA', 'POIANA BRASOV' etc. 

#-> Find site Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/site/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "countryId" : 642, 
  "name" : "BRAS"
#-> Example 2. Search by exact site name. The site names in ROMANIA are not unique.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA
   'name' => 'BRABETI'
/* The result from the example will return 2 sites in ROMANIA but with 2 different types, post codes, regions, coordinates etc. 
* You will have to select one of the records or add another filter for more precise result. 

#-> Find site Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/site/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "countryId" : 642, 
  "name" : "BRABETI"
#-> Example 3. Search site by name and post code. The combination from the name and post code is unique.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA
   'name' => 'BRABETI', // The name can be partial
   'postCode' => 207216 
/* The result from the example will be an exact match for the search criteria and will return only one site. */

#-> Find site Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/site/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "countryId" : 642, 
  "name" : "BRABETI",
  "postCode" : 207216
#-> Example 4. Search by site post code. The post codes in ROMANIA are not unique.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA
   'postCode' => 510002 
/* The result from the example will return two sites with this post code: 'ALBA IULIA' and 'MICESTI'. 
* You will have to select one of the records or add another filter for more precise result. 

#-> Find site Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/site/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "countryId" : 642, 
  "postCode" : "510002"
Find Street Request examples.
Get the street details and use them to define an address. The 'id' is the unique identifier of the street. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Search street details by part of the name.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST
   'name' => 'ANDR'
/* The result from the example will return data (such as id, type and name) for all streets in BUCHAREST,
* witch contain 'AND' in their names: 'ANDREI BARSEANU', 'ANDREI MURESANU', 'ANDRONACHE', etc. You will have to select one of the records. 

#-> Find Street Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/street/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "name" : "ANDR"
#-> Example 2. Search street details by full street name.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST
   'name' => 'ANDREI BARSEANU'
/* The result from the example will return 2 streets in BUCHAREST named 'ANDREI BARSEANU',
* but with 2 different types: 'int.' and 'str.', and you will have to select one of the records. 

#-> Find Street Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/street/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "name" : "ANDREI BARSEANU"
#-> Example 3. Search street details by full name and type.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST
   'name' => 'ANDREI BARSEANU',
   'type' => 'str.'
/* The result from the example will be an exact match for the search criteria and will return only one street. */

#-> Find Street Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/street/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "name" : "ANDREI BARSEANU",
  "type" : "str."
Find POI Request examples.
Get the POI details and use them to define an address. The 'id' is the unique identifier of the POI. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Search poi details by part of the name.
$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'siteId' => 68134, // SOFIA, BULGARIA
   'name' => 'NATIONAL' // The name can be partial
/* The result from the example will return data (such as id, type and name) for POIs in SOFIA (BULGARIA),
* witch contain 'NATIONAL' in their names: 'NATIONAL ART GALLERY', 'NATIONAL PALACE OF CHILDREN', 'NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY', etc. You will have to select one of the records. 

#-> Find Street Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'location/poi/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "siteId" : 68134,
  "name" : "NATIONAL"
Destination Services Request examples.
Destination Services Request will return all valid services between the sender and recipient addresses. view API documentation.
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. The sender has clientId, the recipient is a private person.
$senderArray = array(
   'clientId' => 1234567890
* If you have a warehouse in Bucharest, a shop in Brasov and an office in Braila, you'll have three objects with different clientIds, one for each object.
* When you want to send from one of these addresses of your objects, you can set the appropriate 'clientId'. 
* If you skip it, the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information. 
* All your 'clientId's can be obtained from the result of the Get Contract Clients Request.

$recipientArray = array(
   'privatePerson' => true,
   'addressLocation' => array(
      'siteId' => 642279132 // BUCHAREST
/* There is no need to define full address. The price of the courier service is the same for different addresses in a site. */

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
   'sender' => $senderArray, // You can skip the sender data. In this case the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information.
   'recipient' => $recipientArray

#-> Destination Services Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'services/destination', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "date" : "2021-05-31",
  "sender" : {
    "clientId" : 1234567890
  "recipient" : {
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "addressLocation" : {
      "siteId" : 642279132
#-> Example 2. The sender has clientId, the recipient is a private person in another country.
$senderArray = array(
   'clientId' => 1234567890
* If you have a warehouse in Bucharest, a shop in Brasov and an office in Braila, you'll have three objects with different clientIds, one for each object.
* When you want to send from one of these addresses of your objects, you can set the appropriate 'clientId'. 
* If you skip it, the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information. 
* All your 'clientId's can be obtained from the result of the Get Contract Clients Request.

$recipientArray = array(
   'privatePerson' => true,
   'addressLocation' => array(
      'countryId' => 300, // GREECE
      'postCode' => 54248 // Thessaloniki

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
   'sender' => $senderArray, 
   'recipient' => $recipientArray

#-> Destination Services Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'services/destination', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "date" : "2021-05-31",
  "sender" : {
    "clientId" : 1234567890
  "recipient" : {
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "addressLocation" : {
      "countryId" : 300,
      "postCode" : "54248"
#-> Example 3. The sender has clientId, the recipient is a private person in another country with full site nomenclature.
$senderArray = array(
   'clientId' => 1234567890
* If you have a warehouse in Bucharest, a shop in Brasov and an office in Braila, you'll have three objects with different clientIds, one for each object.
* When you want to send from one of these addresses of your objects, you can set the appropriate 'clientId'. 
* If you skip it, the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information. 
* All your 'clientId's can be obtained from the result of the Get Contract Clients Request.

$recipientArray = array(
   'privatePerson' => true,
   'addressLocation' => array(
      'countryId' => 100, // BULGARIA
      'siteId' => 68134 // SOFIA

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
   'sender' => $senderArray, 
   'recipient' => $recipientArray

#-> Destination Services Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'services/destination', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "date" : "2021-05-31",
  "sender" : {
    "clientId" : 1234567890
  "recipient" : {
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "addressLocation" : {
      "countryId" : 100,
      "siteId" : 68134
Calculation Request Example. view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> IA. SENDER (from an address)
$senderArray = array(
   'clientId' => 1234567890
* If you have a warehouse in Bucharest, a shop in Brasov and an office in Braila, you'll have three objects with different clientIds, one for each object.
* When you want to send from one of these addresses of your objects, you can set the appropriate 'clientId'. 
* If you skip it, the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information. 
* All your 'clientId's can be obtained from the result of the Get Contract Clients Request.

#-> IB. SENDER (from an office)
$senderArray = array(
   'clientId' => 1234567890,
   'dropoffOfficeId' => 926 // BUCHAREST - MOGOSOAIA (DPD OFFICE). The 'dropoffOfficeId' property overrides the address details

#-> IIA. RECIPIENT (to an address)
$recipientArray = array(
   'privatePerson' => true,
   'addressLocation' => array(
   'siteId' => 642140205 // BRASOV. The 'siteId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Site Request.

#-> IIB. RECIPIENT (for self collection shipment from office)
$recipientArray = array(
   'privatePerson' => true,
   'pickupOfficeId' => 907 // BRASOV (DPD OFFICE). The 'pickupOfficeId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Office Request.

$serviceArray = array(
   'autoAdjustPickupDate' => true,
   'serviceIds' => array(2505) // The 'serviceId' list can be obtained from the result of a Destination Services Request.

#-> Additional services
/* Cash on delivery - Not mandatory */
$cashOnDeliveryArray = array(
   'amount' => 100,
   'processingType' => 'CASH' // (CASH, POSTAL_MONEY_TRANSFER)

/* Options before payment - Not mandatory */
$optionsBeforePaymentArray = array(
   'option' => 'OPEN', 
   'returnShipmentServiceId' => 2505, 
   'returnShipmentPayer' => 'SENDER' // (SENDER, RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY). The sender of the returning shipment is the recipient of the primary shipment.
The 'returnShipmentServiceId' property is the service for the returning shipment in case the recipient refuses to accept the primary shipment. 
It can be the same serviceId as in the primary shipment or one obtained from the result of a Destination Services Request.

/* Declared value - Not mandatory */
$declaredValueArray = array(
   'amount' => 100, 
   'fragile' => true 

/* Additional services */
$additionalServicesArray = array(
   'cod' => $cashOnDeliveryArray,
   'obpd' => $optionsBeforePaymentArray,
   'declaredValue' => $declaredValueArray

/* Add additional services to the main service array */
$serviceArray['additionalServices'] = $additionalServicesArray;

$contentArray = array(
   'parcelsCount' => 1,
   'totalWeight' => 0.6

$paymentArray = array(
   'courierServicePayer' => 'RECIPIENT' // (SENDER, RECIPIENT, THIRD_PARTY)

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'sender' => $senderArray, // You can skip the sender data. In this case the sender will be the default one for the username with all the address and contact information.
   'recipient' => $recipientArray,
   'service' => $serviceArray,
   'content' => $contentArray,
   'payment' => $paymentArray

#-> Calculate Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'calculate/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
A calculation to an address
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "sender" : {
    "clientId" : 1234567890
  "recipient" : {
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "addressLocation" : {
      "siteId" : 642140205
  "service" : {
    "autoAdjustPickupDate" : true,
    "serviceIds" : [ 2505 ],
    "additionalServices" : {
      "cod" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "processingType" : "CASH"
      "declaredValue" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "fragile" : true,
        "ignoreIfNotApplicable" : true
      "obpd" : {
        "option" : "OPEN",
        "returnShipmentServiceId" : 2505,
        "returnShipmentPayer" : "SENDER"

  "content" : {
    "parcelsCount" : 1,
    "totalWeight" : 0.6
  "payment" : {
    "courierServicePayer" : "RECIPIENT"

A calculation to an office
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "sender" : {
    "clientId" : 1234567890
  "recipient" : {
    "privatePerson" : true,
    "pickupOfficeId" : 907
  "service" : {
    "autoAdjustPickupDate" : true,
    "serviceIds" : [ 2505 ],
    "additionalServices" : {
      "cod" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "processingType" : "CASH"
      "declaredValue" : {
        "amount" : 100.0,
        "fragile" : true,
        "ignoreIfNotApplicable" : true
      "obpd" : {
        "option" : "OPEN",
        "returnShipmentServiceId" : 2505,
        "returnShipmentPayer" : "SENDER"

  "content" : {
    "parcelsCount" : 1,
    "totalWeight" : 0.6
  "payment" : {
    "courierServicePayer" : "RECIPIENT"
Track Request examples
For testing purposes, please use the provided bills of lading: 299999990, 299999991, 299999992.
view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Track a parcel.
$parcelsArray = array(
   array('id' => 299999990)

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'parcels' => $parcelsArray

#-> Track parcel Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'track/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "parcels" : [ {
    "id" : "299999990"
  } ]
#-> Example 2. Track a parcel and return only last operation.
$parcelsArray = array(
   array('id' => 299999990)

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'parcels' => $parcelsArray,
   'lastOperationOnly' => true

#-> Track parcel Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'track/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "parcels" : [ {
    "id" : "299999990"
  } ],
  "lastOperationOnly" : true
#-> Example 3. Track more than one parcels with one request.
$parcelsArray = array(
   array('id' => 299999990),
   array('id' => 299999991),
   array('id' => 299999992)

$jsonData = array(
   'userName' => DPDRO_API_USERNAME,
   'password' => DPDRO_API_PASSWORD,
   'language' => LANGUAGE,
   'parcels' => $parcelsArray

#-> Track parcel Request
$jsonResponse = apiRequest(DPDRO_API_BASE_URL.'track/', $jsonData);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($jsonResponse, true);

#-> Print the result
  "userName" : "xxxxxx",
  "password" : "yyyyyy",
  "language" : "EN",
  "parcels" : [ {
    "id" : "299999990"
  }, {
    "id" : "299999991"
  }, {
    "id" : "299999992"
  } ]
Define address examples.
The address structure is used to provide addresses. Addresses are two types:
- Address type 1 (local addresses - currently supported by Romania and Bulgaria);
- Address type 2 (foreign addresses - all non-local countries);
'addressType' property obtained from the result of a Find Country Request

When address is required (i.e. when clientId is null), the following rule must be met:
not empty street (streetId or type&name) and (streetNo or blockNo)
not empty complex (complexId or type&name) and (streetNo or blockNo)
not empty poi (poiId)
all components of the address within the site stored in addressNote.

If the addressType is 1 and 'addressNomenclature' property for the site is 1 or 2, you should try to define the address using ids of site, street, complex etc.
or by exact match from 'complexType' and 'complexName' or/and by exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName'.
When the address is well defined via ids or/and matches it will be processed automatically.
Otherwise the address will be placed in the 'addressNote' property. It will not be processed automatically and there are probabilities for mistakes and delay of the delivery.

PHP example: The same example as JSON:
#-> Example 1. Defined address via ids (the 'addressType' property has a value 1 and 'addressNomenclature' property of the site has value 1 or 2).
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST. The 'siteId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Site Request.
   'streetId' => 642077434, // A street named 'ALECU MATEEVICI'. The 'streetId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Street Request.
   'streetNo' => '1',
   'blockNo' => '101',
   'entranceNo' => '2',
   'floorNo' => '3',
   'apartmentNo' => '4'
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "streetId" : 642077434,
  "streetNo" : "1",
  "blockNo" : "101",
  "entranceNo" : "2",
  "floorNo" : "3",
  "apartmentNo" : "4"
#-> Example 2a. An address defined by exact match from 'siteType' and 'siteName' exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName' 
#-> (the 'addressType' property has a value 1 and 'addressNomenclature' property of the site has value 1 or 2).
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteType' => 'or.', // The 'siteType' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'siteName' => 'BUCHAREST', 
   'streetType' => 'str.', // The 'streetType' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'streetName' => 'ALECU MATEEVICI', // The 'streetName' can be obtained from the result of a Find Street Request.
   'streetNo' => '1'
* If there is exact match from 'siteType' and 'siteName', the id of the site will be added automatically. 
* If there is exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName', the id of the street will be added automatically. 
* If there is not exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName' the address will be placed in the 'addressNote' property.
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteType" : "or.",
  "siteName" : "BUCHAREST",
  "streetType" : "str.",
  "streetName" : "ALECU MATEEVICI",
  "streetNo" : "1"
#-> Example 2b. An address defined by exact match from 'siteType' and 'postCode' exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName' 
#-> (the 'addressType' property has a value 1 and 'addressNomenclature' property of the site has value 1 or 2).
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteName' => 'BUCHAREST', 
   'postCode' => '010011', 
   'streetType' => 'str.', // The 'streetType' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'streetName' => 'ALECU MATEEVICI', // The 'streetName' can be obtained from the result of a Find Street Request.
   'streetNo' => '1'
* If there is exact match from 'siteType' and 'postCode', the id of the site will be added automatically. 
* If there is exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName', the id of the street will be added automatically. 
* If there is not exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName' the address will be placed in the 'addressNote' property.
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteName" : "BUCHAREST",
  "postCode" : "010011",
  "streetType" : "str.",
  "streetName" : "ALECU MATEEVICI",
  "streetNo" : "1"
#-> Example 5. An address defined by 'siteId' and exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName'.
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST. The 'siteId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Site Request.
   'streetType' => 'str.', // The 'streetType' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'streetName' => 'ALECU MATEEVICI', // The 'streetName' can be obtained from the result of a Find Street Request.
   'streetNo' => '1'
* If there is exact match from 'streetType' and 'streetName', the id of the street will be added automatically. 
* If there is not exact match, the address will be placed in the 'addressNote' property.
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "streetType" : "str.",
  "streetName" : "ALECU MATEEVICI",
  "streetNo" : "1"
#-> Example 6. The address defined by 'poiId' and some additional info filled in the 'addressNote'.
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 100, // BULGARIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteId' => 68134, // SOFIA. The 'siteId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Site Request.
   'poiId' => 68134000483088, // NATIONAL ART GALLERY. The 'poiId' can be obtained from the result of a Find POI Request.
   'addressNote' => '2nd floor, office 201'
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 100,
  "siteId" : 68134,
  "poiId" : 68134000483088,
  "addressNote" : "2nd floor, office 201"
#-> Example 7a. The whole address is placed in the 'addressNote' field. 
#-> It will be not processed automatically and there are probabilities for mistakes and delay of the delivery.
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteId' => 642279132, // BUCHAREST. The 'siteId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Site Request.
   'addressNote' => 'ALECU MATEEVICI str., No.1, bl.301, ent.2, fl.3, ap.4' 
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteId" : 642279132,
  "addressNote" : "ALECU MATEEVICI str., No.1, bl.301, ent.2, fl.3, ap.4"
#-> Example 7b. The whole address is placed in the 'addressNote' field. 
#-> It will be not processed automatically and there are probabilities for mistakes and delay of the delivery.
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteType' => 'or.', // The 'siteType' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request.
   'siteName' => 'BUCHAREST', 
   'addressNote' => 'ALECU MATEEVICI str., No.1, bl.301, ent.2, fl.3, ap.4' 
/* If there is exact match from 'siteType' and 'siteName', the id of the site will be added automatically. */
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteType" : "or.",
  "siteName" : "BUCHAREST",
  "addressNote" : "ALECU MATEEVICI str., No.1, bl.301, ent.2, fl.3, ap.4"
#-> Example 7c. The whole address is placed in the 'addressNote' field. 
#-> It will be not processed automatically and there are probabilities for mistakes and delay of the delivery.
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 642, // ROMANIA. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteName' => 'BUCHAREST', 
   'postCode' => 010011, 
   'addressNote' => 'ALECU MATEEVICI str., No.1, bl.301, ent.2, fl.3, ap.4' 
/* If there is exact match from 'siteName' asd 'postCode', the id of the site will be added automatically. */
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 642,
  "siteName" : "BUCHAREST",
  "postCode" : "010011",  
  "addressNote" : "ALECU MATEEVICI str., No.1, bl.301, ent.2, fl.3, ap.4"
#-> Example 8a. A foreign address (the addressType property has a value 2).
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 276, // GERMANY. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteName' => 'MUNICH', 
   'postCode' => 80331, // Depends from the 'postCodeFormats' property from the result of a Find Country Request. It shows the required post code format. 
   'addressLine1' => 'Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 1', // Required for 'addressType' 2
   'addressLine2' => 'Munich Stadtmuseum' /* Not mandatory */
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 276,
  "siteName" : "MUNICH",
  "postCode" : "80331",  
  "addressLine1" : "Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 1",
  "addressLine2" : "Munich Stadtmuseum"
#-> Example 8b. A foreign address (the addressType property has a value 2).
$recipientAddressArray = array(
   'countryId' => 300, // GREECE. The 'countryId' can be obtained from the result of a Find Country Request. 
   'siteName' => 'THESSALONIKI', 
   'postCode' => 54629, // Depends from the 'postCodeFormats' property from the result of a Find Country Request. It shows the required post code format. 
   'addressLine1' => '28 Monastiriou str', // Required for 'addressType' 2
   'addressLine2' => 'Bus station' /* Not mandatory */
"address" : {
  "countryId" : 300,
  "siteName" : "THESSALONIKI",
  "postCode" : "54629",  
  "addressLine1" : "28 Monastiriou str",
  "addressLine2" : "Bus station"
Describe parcels or pallets example view API documentation
PHP example: The same example as JSON:
// Array for all parcels. All dimensions are in centimeteres. For pallets use standart pallet's dimensions such as 120/80/130.
$parcelsArray = array(); 

// Parcel 1
$parcelSizeArray = array(
   'width' => 10,
   'depth' => 20,
   'height' => 30
$parcelArray = array(
   'seqNo' => 1,
   'size' => $parcelSizeArray,
   'weight' => 1.5,
   'ref1' => 'ORDER 123456, 1st Box'
$parcelsArray[] = $parcelArray; // Add first parcel

// Parcel 2
$parcelSizeArray = array(
   'width' => 5,
   'depth' => 15,
   'height' => 25
$parcelArray = array(
   'seqNo' => 2,
   'size' => $parcelSizeArray,
   'weight' => 0.5,
   'ref1' => 'ORDER 123456, 2nd Box'
$parcelsArray[] = $parcelArray; // Add second parcel

$contentArray['parcels'] = $parcelsArray; // Add all parcels in the content array in the Create Shipment Request above.
  "content" : {
    "parcels" : [ {
      "seqNo" : 1,
      "size" : {
        "width" : 10,
        "height" : 30,
        "depth" : 20
      "weight" : 1.5,
      "ref1" : "ORDER 123456, 1st Box"
    }, {
      "seqNo" : 2,
      "size" : {
        "width" : 5,
        "height" : 25,
        "depth" : 15
      "weight" : 0.5,
      "ref1" : "ORDER 123456, 2nd Box"
    } ]
DPD Romania.