Select weight [?]
Please, selectmost accurate shipment parameters to get the correct shipping price. Upon acceptance and measurement of the shipment, the price may change based on its actual weight and dimensions.
  • Romania
  • Regional CEE
  • Europe

The prices above are valid for shipments between DPD locations. If you prefer pickup or delivery to address, please select the check boxes above
Additional services
COD amount

Payment by card is subject to additional charge. More details on DPD.
Payment method
Options before payment
Declared value amount
COD amount in local currency of destination country and Declared Value in RON.
The rest of the services provided by DPD can be used through the MyDPD platform.
Recipient information
* Name
* Last name
* Phone
* e-mail
Please fill in the recipient's email address so we can notify your shipment! The recipient will be able to manage the delivery through the Smart Control link in the notification.
* Country
* City/village
* PUDO Point/Locker
Select PUDO Point/Locker from the map
Sender information
* Name
* Last name
* Phone
* e-mail
* City/village
You can ship your parcel using every DPD office in the selected city. Lockers and DPD Shops can not be used for drop off.
Additional data
* Sending on
* Shipment contents
* Package
* Parcel count
(read more)
After completion, a waybill number will be emailed to the address you’ve specified above. In case you will send the shipment from an address, the request for a visit from courier will be created automatically.